Natural Bioenergetics (formally known as Health Kinesiology) combines Ancient Chinese Medicine with modern-day therapy techniques to bring about healing and enhanced wellbeing: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Its scientific and systematic approach is gentle, dynamic and often life changing. Debs has been practicing for over fifteen years and is still wow' d by how many different health issues NB can help and how it can transform people's lives.
Bioenergetic muscle testing is used to identify what foods or other substances you are allergic or intolerant to. Then, to correct the allergy or intolerance, various bioenergetic medicine techniques are used to retune the body's systems. This then allows the person to eat or be in the presence of the substance with out any negative side affects. Debs has been helping people clear their allergies and intolerances for over fifteen years.
Weight Loss, food dilemmas, tummy aches, confusion over which diet to follow, what to eat or not to eat etc. Come and find out what diet is right for you and how to really enjoy food and nourish yourself. Debs has numerous nutrition qualifications spanning twenty years and along with her Kinesiology training she has developed a unique approach that is tailored for each client.